Today is day 41 in the hospital and day 37 in the NICU. While I wouldn’t say it gets “better” or “easier”,
it does start to become more normal. We’ve adapted to the huge change in our
lives. I’ve become more accepting of the fact that my babies are in intensive
care. It’s never better or easier, though. My heart still aches every minute of
every day. Even when I’m there my heart is aching and my eyes are filling up
with tears because I’m constantly longing to take them home, stare at them, and
hold them as close to me as possible.
We’ve loved so many of the nurses we’ve had in the NICU…
some more than others. I’ve never felt completely uncomfortable until today,
though. The nurse today was a very nice elderly woman. By elderly I mean over
70. I’m not discriminating against her age, but it seemed to me she was a few
steps behind on everything. There were a few times the babies’ alarms were
going off and there was a long time before a response. Cameron and Violet both
had remnants of their last feedings on their faces. She didn’t know how to take
Violet out of her incubator. The babies normally get assessed right before they
eat (every 3 hours) so that the time in between they are just sleeping. This
nurse was constantly bothering them with in between assessments and blood
pressure readings. Violet was cold in her incubator (the alarm told us so) and
she didn’t do anything. In fact, she left the doors open! Cameron spit up… she
left it. She spilled meds all over Cameron’s blanket and then never replaced
them. I could go on with a few more things, but I’m going to stop here. I think
I mainly needed to type all of these gripes down to get it all out. I felt like I was going to lose my mind.
Luckily, there was a great nurse next to us and she knew I was
nervous. She came to check in every now and then and would try to help with
certain things. I could tell our nurse didn’t appreciate it too much, but I know
I did. A few hours into the day, I went and spoke with the charge nurse. I explained
that I didn’t want to get her in trouble, but I was not comfortable with her
taking care of my babies and that I would prefer to not have her as our nurse
in the future. She was very understanding and listened to all of my concerns. I
felt bad “telling on” this nurse, but when it comes to the health and
well-being of my babies that will always win. She was a nice enough woman, but I
really feel that if you are working in a NICU then you need to be 100% on your
game at all times.
So, it was a very stressful day in the NICU today. I was
anxious the entire time and couldn’t enjoy my babies at all. After I left, I felt
so guilty that I didn’t get to enjoy my time with them. Sometimes it just makes
me so overwhelmingly sick that someone else is responsible for taking care of
my babies. Yesterday, while I was holding Cameron, Violet was crying and moving
around in her bed. I know she was fine, but I felt so awful. I couldn’t help
but cry. There was nothing I could do. All I wanted to do was hold my sweet
girl and I couldn’t. Sometimes this really just sucks.
On a positive note, Cameron is in a CRIB! He is finally big
enough to be out of the incubator. They switched him over yesterday and he’s
been able to regulate his body temperature since then. Violet is off high flow
oxygen and doing very well. She’s still too little to be in a crib, but she is
gaining weight. I can’t wait until I’m typing blogs while watching my precious
angels sleep peacefully (because of course they will… at the same time). Please
keep praying for the babies. Yes, they are doing well, but people tend to
forget that I would still only be 31 weeks pregnant. They aren’t supposed to be
out in this world, yet, but they are doing amazingly. My little fighters never
cease to amaze me.