Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hormones and Gay Marriage

I don’t know if it’s the hormones or what, but people have really been irritating me lately. Not everyone. Just people who think they are better than others or people who think that they have the right to judge others. This morning my irritation was triggered by a facebook friend liking someone else’s status about gay marriage not being right or some shit like that.

Dennis and I huge supporters of legalizing gay marriage.  Just this morning I told Dennis that I was going to buy the twins onesies that say “I support gay marriage”. His reply was, “I like it. Make them political before they turn one.” That’s not what I want to do (nor does he… he was kidding!), but we do want to help them become ACCEPTING and LOVING individuals. With so much hate and craziness in the world, our goal is to raise children who will make this world a better place. Maybe they won’t go on to be rocket scientists or the next Presidents of the United States, but they will do their part by loving everyone and not JUDGING those around them. I respect others’ beliefs, but I certainly don’t believe that we have the right to judge others… especially based on the person they choose to love.

Look out world… these babies are going to be AWESOME!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It's been a while...

I have no good reasons for not writing for such a long time. I guess I may have gotten wrapped up in being pregnant and everything else going on over the summer. Part of me also thought that I don’t really have anything too interesting to say. Once I became pregnant and announced it to the world, what did I have left to say? How is my pregnancy different than anyone else’s? The answer is simply because it’s mine.
About a month ago I was able to come off ALL of my fertility meds. I cannot even begin to explain how much better I’ve felt since ditching the progesterone and estrogen and everything else. During that time, I had numerous breakdowns and near panic attacks. Even on vacation, I felt awful, wanted to jump out of my skin, and just go home and cry. It was a very difficult time and even more difficult to express how I felt to people. Shouldn’t I have been the happiest person in the world? After all that trying and failure, I was finally blessed with two babies and I was still miserable. I felt like there was something wrong with me. Like I said, it was a difficult and trying time. Once again, I would not have been able to get through it without the love and support of my family and friends. They are amazing and I can’t wait for the twins to know each and every one of them.

Right before I went off the meds, I went to my first “real” ob appointment. The day itself was actually a nightmare. My sister came to the appointment with me since my husband was out of town. The temperature that day was 100 degrees and was not feeling well as it was. We were told to arrive at the appointment an hour early to do paperwork and whatnot. Well, the paperwork took me about 8 minutes. I didn’t get called in for weight and blood pressure for almost an hour after that. My blood pressure was very high (159/90). I explained that sometimes when I go to the doctor my bp is high at first, but then usually comes down after the initial read. However, my bp had never been quite that high. After sending me back out for another HOUR, the doctor was finally ready to see me. It was very quick. He clearly didn’t go over any of the records I had sent over from the fertility clinic because he asked me all the questions he should’ve known the answers to beforehand. What’s the point of me having to “rush” my records there if they aren’t even looked at? Anyway, the appointment carried on as normal. He did a quick check, gave me a few tips and sent me off. I almost forgot about my blood pressure, but just before I was about to leave the nurse remembered. I was called back in to retake the bp. It was the same. Because of this I had to do the 24 hour urine sample (which, by the way, is not fun at all). The doctor (clearly not even having looked at my bp beforehand) was all of a sudden very concerned and told me that if this was due to the pregnancy it could be a “big problem”.
I was sent off (again) this time feeling nervous and scared, but I had my sister there to calm me down. Instead of waiting the month to come back to the doctor, I was scheduled to come back in a week to check my bp and make sure all of the lab results were okay. After the disgustingly long wait and then hot walk to the car, I sat down, turned the key and….. nothing. The car wouldn’t start. I seriously thought I was going to lose my mind. After flipping out just a little, Amy and I got some snacks while waiting for help to arrive. Once again, thanks to my family, we eventually made it home.

The following week, my appointment was with a different doctor in the practice. He took my blood pressure and said it was perfect. What a relief. Not only did I receive some relief that day, but I also received a surprise ultrasound!!! One of the babies was very clear. It was moving around like crazy! The doctor even said it was “putting on a little show for us”. It was absolutely beautiful. I wish Dennis had been there to see it, but we did not think we were getting an ultrasound that day as the previous doctor told us they didn’t have that equipment on hand there!

The second baby was hiding. I guess that’s the shy twin. That one really wanted nothing to do with the camera and I never saw a clear shot. Both babies, however, were measuring perfectly and their little heartbeats (which I still haven’t heard!) were also perfect.

Since then I’ve decided to change doctors and practices all together. It wasn’t an easy decision, but the doctors I’m going to go to now deliver at the hospitals I’m comfortable delivering at. My next appointment is in about 2 weeks and I couldn’t be more excited. Ever since I saw that little angel moving around like crazy in there I have been in a MUCH better place about not only pregnancy itself, but the whole twin thing. Dennis and I can’t wait to watch our babies grow and can’t wait to meet them.

We bought baby furniture the other day. Things are definitely getting real! More on the nursery and such on a different day, though. I’ve rambled on long enough. 

All the pain and heartbreak is already worth it. Our little angels are on their way…