Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Random Little Update

It’s been two weeks since both of my babies have been home. How is it possible that time is now deciding to speed up? The time in the NICU felt like an eternity.  The past two weeks, however, have gone by in a flash.  The babies have adjusted well. They are pretty much on their 3 hour feeding schedule still and behave very well. It wouldn’t matter if they didn’t, though, because everything is perfect with them here. Last night was a little rough because Violet was up from about 1 am to 5 am then 6 am to 10 am. She wasn’t crying hysterically or anything, just very fussy and kept letting out her little screams. Poor little girl had a belly ache. Cameron was also wide awake for a few hours in the middle of the night, but he’s such a laid back baby so he just stared at his glowworm until he fell asleep.
They both had their follow up eye exams last week. Violet’s went well and she doesn’t have to go back for a year. Cameron is still in Stage One of ROP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinopathy_of_prematurity) also known as Stevie Wonder disease. Did you know that Stevie Wonder was a preemie? ROP is the cause of his blindness. We aren’t too worried about Cameron since he’s only in Stage One, but we’d like to see some improvement by his next appointment. The doctor said that it doesn’t stay the same and it will get better or worse. We’ll just have to wait and see. Cameron also will be going to a pulmonologist on Thursday to check on his lungs. He’s still on the diuretic so we need to figure out on long he needs to be on it. His breathing seems to be much slower than it was (which I’m assuming is a good thing) and he doesn’t ever really seem to struggle unless he’s refluxing pretty bad or something. All in all, the babies seem to be doing great here at home.
They are so cute that I can’t stand it. Cameron has such big features. His eyes and lips are both huge and so adorable. Violet’s features are delicate and small… strange because she is definitely the feisty one. As I typed those words she let out a blood curdling scream. It lasted a couple of seconds and then she closed her eyes again. Little weirdo.
The babies are getting their “newborn” pictures done this weekend by a friend of ours and we’re so excited for them. We were offered the services from Bella Baby in the NICU, but it just didn’t feel right having their pictures taken there. This way the pictures will be taken at home with someone who loves our babies and has supported us throughout the past 3 months… well throughout this whole baby process! We can’t wait to see how they turn out. A twin photo shoot is going to be so much fun!
The other day one of the mothers that I talked to in the NICU brought her other twin home. As I told Cameron and Violet that he was finally home, I had to choke back tears. I was so happy for her and her family. Only NICU mothers can understand what the experience is like when you have a baby or babies in the hospital. While there have been so many people who have supported and loved us through this, no one will ever know the ups and downs of life in the NICU. We appreciate everyone trying so hard, though. We’ll never forget the love we have been shown… so much that we’re STILL receiving packages in the mail for the babies. There are a lot of good people in this world. 
My due date was on Saturday. It was very strange, but it almost felt good to get it out of the way. That date has been stuck in my head since May 10th... well probably before that since I'm sure I did the exact calculating before the transfer. Either way, it's official, the babies are supposed to be here, now! 

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