Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Yikes! Meds!

When I pulled into my driveway today I could see a big cardboard box waiting for me on the porch. My meds.

I immediately brought the box inside and ripped it open because some of the meds need to be refrigerated. People have been telling me not to be overwhelmed by the amount of meds and that it just seems like a lot. Yikes. It does not seem like a lot. It is a lot. Here’s a pic:


This is quite overwhelming, but knowing that I don’t have to start anything just yet is what’s keeping me sane. I don’t even know what most of this stuff is for. I do see quite a few syringes, though. Who doesn’t get excited about giving themselves injections every day, multiple times a day? Eeeek… this is getting real.

When I was talking to my sister today, I mentioned that I have been enjoying this mental (and physical) break from everything. It’s been nice not having to go to the doctor to get probed, not having to pay attention to every twinge, not having a bruised arm from drawing blood, and not having to be, well, a basket case. Don’t get me wrong, I’m anxious for this to happen. I just needed a break. Hopefully soon I’ll feel even more mentally relaxed and ready to begin this next phase. I wish I knew WHEN everything was going to happen. I’m a planner. Things like this don’t sit well with planners. Oh well. Que Sera Sera!


  1. All I can say is WOW! Keep us posted. Still praying for you guys. I know it's a long journey but each day you are closer!

  2. Thanks, Katie! Knowing we're one day closer helps us get through it all!
