Monday, February 20, 2012


We're clear to start the meds! Today I had to go to another doctor to get "cleared" for the process. Since my BMI is a little high, I had to get some tests run just to make sure I'm healthy enough to go through the process and then to actually be pregnant. The doctor said that everything looks great and we can go ahead with our plans for IVF. I cannot even begin to express what a relief it was to hear that. While I knew I didn't have any medical issues or anything, there was that little thought in the back of my mind of "you never know". Well, we know now.

This Friday I'm going to start my injections (eek!). I take two injections on Friday and the next few days. My next ultrasound and bloodwork are scheduled for next Monday. I feel like I've been on a little vacation from everything, but after today, I'm ready to get back to work.

On another note, today is my sister's birthday. I can't believe she turned 28 today! I remember when she was 6 or 7 and brought home a dead mouse in a plastic bag because she said her teacher told them to bring in pets for show-and-tell. Being a couple years older than her, I wondered what in the hell she could've possibly been thinking. That seems like only a few years ago. I'm so glad I don't have to wonder "what in the hell is she thinking?" anymore. She's turned into a wonderful person, a great teacher, and an incredible mother. I'm so lucky to not only have her as a sister, but as a best friend. I don't know what I'd do without her. We talk every single day without fail and I hope that never changes.

Because my life and the lives of my family members have been so crazy for the past few years, it's easy to dwell on the negative. But today, I'm thinking of all of the good things... all of the happy things. Even if they seem to be few and far between lately, they're still around. Today, I'm thankful.

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