Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Baby Shower

6 months and counting! These munchkins are moving around like crazy. For a while, I really only felt movement on the left side (Baby A). Within the last couple of days, though, Baby B has decided to join the party. I think this is why I've been so tired lately. They are both very, very active. It's so awesome feeling them move. Even though I've seen them via ultrasound and feel them moving all the time, it's still so hard to really picture 2 babies growing inside of me. So weird!

This past weekend was our baby shower. My mom and sister worked so hard to make it perfect for us. We truly were showered with lots of love and lots of gifts. Everyone was so generous and really helped make our baby shower one that we will never forget.

Here's a pic before everyone got there.We decided to use the clubhouse where my Grandma lives and it turned out perfectly. There was plenty of room for just over 50 people and plenty of room for all of the food and gifts. The breakfast that we decided to serve was delicious.

The cake was so bright and cute for a baby shower. "A Gift from Above, Two Babies to Love" is what the cake said and the picture in the middle is a picture of the shower invitation that had two little lovebugs on it.
These were the shower favors. I know I have a better picture somewhere, but I can't find it. They're two little twinkies with baby bonnets. The tag says, "Twink You!"

Here is our drink table with our little mimosa bar.

My awesome sis and mom. I'll never be able to thank them enough!

These may have been the cutest things ever. Each guest filled out a card with their "Wishes for The Sheppard Twins". When we read them at home, we couldn't even read them out loud because we would get choked up. They were so sweet and personalized. Such an awesome idea.

And the happy, happy couple...

I only posted a few pictures because I'm feeling incredibly uncomfortable right now. My stomach is killing me. The few pictures should reflect how cute the shower was and how happy we all are. Thanks to everyone for everything. We couldn't have asked for a better shower.

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