On this day in 1959, my grandfather (Papa) and my grandmother (Grammy) were married. They’ve told the story of how it snowed like crazy that day. My Papa sometimes pulls out receipts from that day to show us how much the reception hall cost and how much the bar bill was for everyone. He looks at the picture of them from that day and says, “See the glimmer in her eyes? That’s where it all began.” Sadly, he’s the only one of the two that can recall the events from that day; that day and so many other special days in their lives.
I imagine that 53 years ago when they took their vows “In good times and in bad. In sickness and in health…” they knew that someday they would both get old and gray. I don’t think that either of them pictured how things are now, though. Dementia has taken so much away from our family, but mostly from my Grammy and Papa. His love for her is unconditional and absolutely awe-inspiring. I’ve never seen anything like it. The way he’s always looked at her, talked to her and about her, and just loved her is amazing. People could only hope that they experience just a day of this in their lifetimes.
53 years is an incredible feat. But having so much life and love in those 53 years is unheard of. Yes, I believe whole-heartedly that they have been robbed of their “golden years” and that what has happened is unexplainable and unfair. However, I try to look at a little glimmer of light through it all. I also believe that their love story will carry on for many generations to come. I know my future children will know all about this love story and I have no doubts that because of its beauty and strength it will continue to be told until the end of time.
My heart aches for them and (maybe selfishly) for the rest of us that feel helpless against this disease.
There is nothing for us to do except watch the love story’s heartbreaking ending. But, true love never dies-- no matter the circumstance. Someday, somewhere, sometime, somehow, all will be perfect for them once again.
There is nothing for us to do except watch the love story’s heartbreaking ending. But, true love never dies-- no matter the circumstance. Someday, somewhere, sometime, somehow, all will be perfect for them once again.
If you feel like being generous, hop on to www.alz.org to help find a cure for Alzheimer’s OR please visit the site and sign the petition to get the government to do something about this tragic disease